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8 must have Django Packages

Starting a new Django project? We've compiled a list of 8 must-have Django packages that will help you jumpstart your project.

Posted by Jaskaran Singh on 02 Sep 2019
8 must have Django Packages

Starting a new Django project? Here is the list of 8 must-have Django packages that will help you jumpstart your project:

1 Django-extensions

This package is by far the most useful in Django projects. It provides you with the Django extensions like shell_plus which will automatically import all the models in your project. It has many useful commands like admin_generator, runserver_plus, validate_templates, etc.

Link: Django Extensions

2 Django-allauth

Django-allauth provides you with the by far the best authentication, registration and account management solution we have ever used in a Django application. It also provides you tons of Social (Oauth) authentications providers. It has builtin templates for account management and emails and tons of settings and customization options for you to play around.

Link: Django-allauth

3 Python-decouple

Is your setting files is becoming unmanageable? Tired of changing environment variables? Python Decouple helps you separate your environment settings from your application code. With Python-decouple, all the settings related to the environment of the project goes into the environment files (.env or .ini).

Link: Python-decouple

4 Celery

If your application requires long-running and heavy tasks that cannot be allowed in the request-response cycle, you need to use a task queue system. Celery is one of the best options available out there. It supports the number of massage brokers like RabbitMQ, Redis, Beanstalk, MongoDB, etc.

Link: Celery

Similar: python-rq

5 Easy-thumbnails

Easy thumbnails do exactly what its name suggests. It works with the builtin ImageField and also provides you with ThumbnailerImageField. To use this package you just have to define the image configurations in the settings file and then you can have access to thumbnails both in templates and in views.

Link: Easy-thumbnails

6 Django-compressor

This package is very useful to make your application production-ready. This package will compress all your JS or CSS files in one single cached file. It also supports Jinja templating and reactjs.

Link: Django-compressor

7 Django-crispy-forms

Django crispy forms let you render the form using your favorite front-end (CSS) framework. It has support for Bootstrap3, Bootstrap 3, Foundation and Uni-Form. You just have to use the template tags provided by the package and you are all set you go.

Link: Django-Crisp-forms

8 Django-import-export

Django-import-export is helpful in import bulk data using Excel, CSV, JSON, YAML... files. It has builtin preview, admin support. You can also provide filters for exporting and order data.

Link: Django-import-export

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